Saturday 22 November 2008

Why Use Colon Cleansing Products

Why Use Colon Cleansing Products

There certainly are a lot of ads and info-mercials about colon cleansing lately. It’s amazing how a bodily organ that’s been around since the dawn of time has suddenly come into the spotlight. Well, the late great Andy Warhol said that everyone would be famous for fifteen minutes, and apparently that fame extends to body parts, too. And the colon’s fifteen minutes are not up yet. There are many kinds of colon cleansing products flooding the market.

Dramatic Results

Any advertisements for colon cleansing products are going to use the usual scare tactics that any health product uses. In the case of colon cleansing products, the tactics are usually “parasites, toxins, build up of fecal matter over a lifetime”. This can happen so some people – but not to every body. If you have never eaten a healthy, balanced diet in your life, drink water of questionable quality, don’t regularly exercise or are planning a general detox weekend, then colon cleansing products should go on your shopping list.

However, be careful and do your research before buying any colon cleansing systems, which requires fasting and a few days of confinement at home. These are extremely intense (and extremely expensive) colon cleansing products. They promise dramatic results and will deliver because they will stimulate your colon to poo like you wouldn’t thought possible. The average person does not need this intense treatment.

More Reasonable Alternatives

The colon acts as a filter in the body and certainly needs to be maintained, just like every other part of your body. The answer to keeping all of your body parts functioning smoothly is, fortunately, the same – eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, drink plenty of water, don’t smoke and exercise regularly. Speaking of regular, you might do all of these and still be irregular, have incredibly painful gas or irritable bowel syndrome.

After first talking to your doctor, you can consider more reasonable and natural colon cleansing products which are easy to find, easy to take and usually a lot cheaper. They are basically fiber capsules taken once a day. Be sure to take them with a glass of water so you don’t get constipated. Read the all of the warnings so you are familiar with them, because not all gentle one-a-day colon cleansing products are for everyone. Many colon cleansing products of this kind do not have any sugar, salt, dairy or wheat added, making them okay for those following a low GI diet.

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